Monday, December 06, 2004


*pokes the board tentatively*

Hey, all! Has everyone been to the Phantom website? They've got clips playing in the background from the movie, and I- can't- wait.

I mean, I was sort of excited the first time it came to town. I played the cd over and over, imagining how it must be to see it all happening before my eyes. I placed the earphones by my pillow and let it lull me to sleep, the beauty of the lyrics, the soft voices. Then I saw it.

I can't wait. I can't wait.

On a side note, tickets for Les Miserables went on sale yesterday for the week that they're playing at the Fox. I don't know which I would want to see more, really. Les Mis was my first love- long before Phantom... Mom used to have the tape and I'd play it over and over, listening to the songs, singing them with the tape, feeling them.

"Stars, in your multitudes... Scarce to be counted... filling the darkness..."

Now that I'm done fawning, what do you guys want for Christmas?


Blogger T said...

I was listening to Les Misérables long before Phantom as well. I saw Les Mis my senior year, so I don't mind not seeing it on stage again, then I saw Phantom a couple years ago, so I don't mind that, either. But I've seen two or three movie versions of Les Mis, heard two CD versions, and seen a taped stage version, so I've been Les Mis'ed out the wazoo! ^_^ But I've only heard one CD version of Phantom, so it's only fair that I make the movie a priority.
PS, I sang Castle on a Cloud as my third song today and did really good! I'm also doing it for my final. Wish me luck!

9:44 AM  
Blogger Jess said...


I want candy.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Athene said...

Yay Phantom!!!! I know that I probably would want to go see it, midnight performance anyone?? As for other stuff I had a job at Famous............................. .......... but quit. Instead I got a new job at Hobby Lobby. It means Sundays off and off at 9pm every night!! I can't wait!

5:09 PM  

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