Monday, December 19, 2005

Holiday party

Okay, so I have finally picked a day for the holiday pary. It shall be held on December 29th (Thursday). If you have a major problem with the date PLEASE let me know ASAP so I can try to fix it or change the date. I still hope everyone can keep up the tradition of bringing some food or whatever to the party, and we will be exchanging Christmas gifts, so don't forget them! Only bring whatever gifts you are getting for people anyway, don't buy extra ones or whatever just cause you don't have a gift for someone. We're all poor. I don't have a real definite time, I guess just show up after like 4:30 whenever you feel like it. If I don't have work at all you can show up earlier, I'll let you know. JR is not invited, so don't worry about that. Questions? Comments? Let me know if you need to know anything I forgot to post here. Talk to you later!


Blogger T said...

Sounds great!

1:15 PM  
Blogger Athene said...

I'm going to try to be there. We'll have to see what happens.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Athene said...

I'm going to try to be there. We'll have to see what happens.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Moueska said...

I'll find out my schedule tonight. *hug* Here goes.

10:47 AM  
Blogger Athene said...

I think I'm going to try to make it (possibly go up early in the day to make it worthwhile). Vickie, I have a little something to add to your gift that I gave you. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get it until after you left. Let's just say that I want EVERYONE that's there see it. You'll see why when you are watching it.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Moueska said...

So... does that mean you want me to bring my other supercoolnifty thing you got me?

Oh, and could you bring up Adam's stocking? The one with the dollar sign? It should be floating around your house.

^^ He traded it for my chocolate-covered espresso beans. MMmmm stocking.

6:16 AM  
Blogger T said...

Jess, I have tomorrow (Wednesday) off because we'll only have three kids in our room, but Thursday will be like today (Tuesday): We'll have four babies and I'll need to be there. So unless they call and tell me that I have Thursday off too, then I'll have to work Thursday and go to your place afterwards. Hope that's ok.

6:41 PM  

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