Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Hey guys, I need some of your informations still. Jessi, Lar, and Von could you guys please e-mail me at athenebelle(at) and send me your addresses. If you guys don't get it to me soon I might not be able to send you guys invites at all. I am limited to 100 people total (on both sides). Please, please please send me the addys. I also have a request from everyone. Could you guys put aside your tiffs for the evening of the wedding?


Blogger Jess said...

Could you please list the tiffs, I'm not sure who's mad at whom.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Also, is this request *from* everyone or *to* everyone? Misspellings confuse me.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Von said...

I concur, Jess. Not like it matters anyway, cus I'm not going.
Can't make it.

9:52 PM  
Blogger Moueska said...

*pouts* You're not going, Von?!


12:47 AM  
Blogger Athene said...

I guess it's just one tiff and supposedly (I don't know the whole story but I know that something is going on up there that I want to be left in St.Louis for the time being). Isn't it something involving JR (or Laura indirectly) and Von or Jessi? I'm inviting Laura and it would be inappropriate not to invite JR as well.

The addy request is to evryone whom I don't have addresses for. Currently that is Lar and Jessi.

8:23 AM  
Blogger Von said...

I would like to think that both Jess and I would know when to be civil. In fact, I know Jess and I both know when to be civil.
While I understand you not wanting a huge fight at your wedding, Christina, I do not appriciate being treated like a person with no common sense.
Oh, and I had a problem with this sentence fragment:
"I guess it's just one tiff and supposedly (I don't know the whole story but I know that something is going on up there that I want to be left in St.Louis for the time being)."
Is this just one tiff that we're refering to, or is there another one that I had no clue about?

3:50 PM  
Blogger Athene said...

I guess just one "tiff" and I realized that the comment was flawed after I posted it. This is one time that I wish that blogger allowed us to fix our comments. *sigh*

In any case, I'm not saying that I don't think you guys have common sense, it's just stressful concerns when I know that there is (as Vickie used to put it) "soap operas" among my friends. I'm sorry if I came off sounding like that. I know that the written medium can come of the wrong way (I've been there and been on both sides of it).

BTW, I hope I didn't come off as a Bridezilla. *shudder*

2:54 PM  

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