Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Weekend Update

Hello all! Sorry it's been a while since I've been on. Our power went out on Sunday evening and did not return until Monday evening while I was with my parents. Then when I got home, I watched a couple movies with M and didn't get back online until about half an hour ago.
But hey, it's good to see all of you here! I talked to Lar and she said that the rehearsal will be at the church (if you need directions, just ask) at 4:00 p.m. Unless that changes, then she'll probably get on and let us know. Woncha, Lar? ^_^
Has everybody seen the new Yahoo messenger yet? I just downloaded it this afternoon. It looks good so far. I'll play around with it for a while after this and letch'all know what I think of it. Or if anybody else has it and wants to comment, then have at it.
Well, I guess the next time I see all of you will be Wedding Weekend! Congrats and Good Luck to Lar and JR. And Brooke, too!
The Infamous T


Blogger Moueska said...

4:00? That... sucketh. I'm working on Friday from 9:30 to 5:30 because I had to give up work on Saturday for the wedding! An hour and a half is NOT fashionably late. Any suggestions? Laura?

3:47 PM  

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